

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2015 Stephen Tiedemann <>
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they 
# will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
# versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the
# Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
# writing, software distributed under the Licence is
# distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing
# permissions and limitations under the Licence.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Listen as Target for activation requests from a remote Initiator.

**Usage:** :: tt2 [options] [--uid UID] tt3 [options] [--idm <idm>] [--pmm <pmm>] [--sys <sys>] tt4 [options] [--uid <uid>] dep [options] [--id3 <id3>] [--gbt <gbt>] [--hce] -h | --help

As the Target selected with the first positional argument
waits '--time T' seconds for activation by a remote device and prints
the local target configuration if not timed out. The listen period is
repeated after '--wait T' seconds if the '--repeat' flag is given.

Without the '--repeat' flag, the exit status is 0 when activated and 1
if timed out, with the '--repeat' flag it is 0 for termination by
keyboard interrupt (Ctrl-C). For argument errors and unsupported
targets exits with 2. If a local device is not found or was
removed exits with 3.


  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -t, --time T   listen time in seconds [default: 2.5]
  -w, --wait T   time between repetations [default: 1.0]
  -r, --repeat   repeat forever (cancel with Ctrl-C)
  -d, --debug    output debug log messages to stderr
  -v, --verbose  print and log more information
  --device PATH  local device search path [default: usb]
  --bitrate BR   set bitrate (default is 106 for A/B and 212 for F)
  --uid UID      tt2/tt4 identifier [default: 08010203]
  --idm IDM      tt3 identifier [default: 02FE010203040506]
  --pmm PMM      tt3 parameters [default: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
  --sys SYS      tt3 system code [default: 12FC]
  --id3 ID3      dep nfcid3 [default: 01FE0102030405060708]
  --gbt GBT      dep general bytes [default: 46666D010111]
  --hce          announce dep and tt4 support for Type A

**Examples:** :: tt2 --uid 08ABCDEF  # listen as Type 2 Tag with this UID tt3 --bitrate 424   # listen as Type 3 Tag at 424 kbps tt3 --sys 0003      # use the Suica system code for FeliCa dep --gbt ''        # send ATR response without general bytes dep --hce           # offer NFC-DEP Protocol and Type 4A Tag

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re
import sys
import time
import errno
import argparse
import logging
from binascii import hexlify

import nfc
import nfc.clf

def main(args):
    if args['--debug']:
        loglevel = logging.DEBUG - (1 if args['--verbose'] else 0)

        try: waittime = float(args['--wait'])
        except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--wait T' argument must be a number"
        assert waittime >= 0, "the '--wait T' argument must be positive"
        try: timeout = float(args['--time'])
        except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--time T' argument must be a number"
        assert timeout >= 0, "the '--time T' argument must be positive"
    except AssertionError as error:
        print(str(error), file=sys.stderr); return 2

        clf = nfc.ContactlessFrontend(args['--device'])
    except IOError as error:
        print("no device found on path %r" % args['--device'], file=sys.stderr)
        return 3
        while True:
                target = None
                if args['tt2']: target = listen_tta(timeout, clf, args)
                if args['tt3']: target = listen_ttf(timeout, clf, args)
                if args['tt4']: target = listen_tta(timeout, clf, args)
                if args['dep']: target = listen_dep(timeout, clf, args)
                if target:
                    print("{0} {1}".format(time.strftime("%X"), target))
            except nfc.clf.CommunicationError as error:
                if args['--verbose']: logging.error("%r", error)
            except AssertionError as error:
                print(str(error), file=sys.stderr); return 2

            if args['--repeat']: time.sleep(waittime)
            else: return (0 if target else 1)

    except nfc.clf.UnsupportedTargetError as error:
        logging.error("%r", error)
        return 2

    except IOError as error:
        if error.errno != errno.EIO: logging.error("%r", error)
        else: logging.error("lost connection to local device")
        return 3

    except KeyboardInterrupt:


def listen_tta(timeout, clf, args):
    try: bitrate = (int(args['--bitrate']) if args['--bitrate'] else 106)
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--bitrate' argument must be an integer"
    assert bitrate >= 0, "the '--bitrate' argument must be a positive integer"
    try: uid = bytearray.fromhex(args['--uid'])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--uid' argument must be hexadecimal"
    assert len(uid) in (4,7,10), "the '--uid' must be 4, 7, or 10 bytes"
    target = nfc.clf.LocalTarget(str(bitrate) + 'A')
    target.sens_res = bytearray("\x01\x01")
    target.sdd_res = uid
    target.sel_res = bytearray("\x00" if args['tt2'] else "\x20")
    target = clf.listen(target, timeout)
    if target and target.tt2_cmd:
        logging.debug("rcvd TT2_CMD %s", hexlify(target.tt2_cmd))
        # Verify that we can send a response.
        if target.tt2_cmd == "\x30\x00":
            data = bytearray.fromhex("046FD536 11127A00 79C80000 E110060F")
        elif target.tt2_cmd[0] == 0x30:
            data = bytearray(16)
            logging.warning("communication not verified")
            return target
  , timeout=1)
            return target
        except nfc.clf.CommunicationError:
            logging.error("communication failure after activation")
    if target and target.tt4_cmd:
        logging.debug("rcvd TT4_CMD %s", hexlify(target.tt4_cmd))
        logging.warning("communication not verified")
        return target

def listen_ttf(timeout, clf, args):
    try: bitrate = (int(args['--bitrate']) if args['--bitrate'] else 212)
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--bitrate' argument must be an integer"
    assert bitrate >= 0, "the '--bitrate' argument must be a positive integer"
    try: idm = bytearray.fromhex(args['--idm'][0:16])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--idm' argument must be hexadecimal"
    idm += os.urandom(8-len(idm))
    try: pmm = bytearray.fromhex(args['--pmm'][0:16])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--pmm' argument must be hexadecimal"
    pmm += (8-len(pmm)) * "\xFF"
    try: sys = bytearray.fromhex(args['--sys'][0:4])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--sys' argument must be hexadecimal"
    sys += (2-len(sys)) * "\xFF"
    target = nfc.clf.LocalTarget(str(bitrate) + 'F')
    target.sensf_res = "\x01" + idm + pmm + sys
    target = clf.listen(target, timeout)
    if target and target.tt3_cmd:
        if target.tt3_cmd[0] == 0x06:
            response = chr(29) + "\7" + idm + "\0\0\1" + bytearray(16)
  , timeout=0)
        elif target.tt3_cmd[0] == 0x0C:
            response = chr(13) + "\x0D" + idm + "\x01" + sys
            logging.warning("communication not verified")
            return target
  , timeout=1)
            return target
        except nfc.clf.CommunicationError:
            logging.error("communication failure after activation")
def listen_dep(timeout, clf, args):
    try: id3 = bytearray.fromhex(args['--id3'][0:20])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--id3' argument must be hexadecimal"
    id3 += os.urandom(10-len(id3))
    try: gbt = bytearray.fromhex(args['--gbt'])
    except ValueError: assert 0, "the '--gbt' argument must be hexadecimal"
    target = nfc.clf.LocalTarget()
    target.sensf_res = bytearray.fromhex("01") + id3[0:8] + bytearray(10)
    target.sens_res = bytearray.fromhex("0101")
    target.sdd_res = bytearray.fromhex("08") + id3[-3:]
    target.sel_res = bytearray.fromhex("60" if args['--hce'] else "40")
    target.atr_res = "\xD5\x01"+id3+"\0\0\0\x08"+("\x32" if gbt else "\0")+gbt
    target = clf.listen(target, timeout)
    if target and target.dep_req:
        logging.debug("rcvd DEP_REQ %s", hexlify(target.dep_req))
        # Verify that we can indeed send a response. Note that we do
        # not handle a DID, but nobody is sending them anyway. Further
        # note that target.dep_req is without the frame length byte
        # but exchange() works on frames and so it has to be added.
        if target.dep_req.startswith("\xD4\x06\x80"):
            # older phones start with attention
            dep_res = bytearray.fromhex("04 D5 07 80")
        elif target.dep_req.startswith("\xD4\x06\x00"):
            # newer phones send information packet
            dep_res = bytearray.fromhex("06 D5 07 00 00 00")
            logging.warning("communication not verified")
            return target
        logging.debug("send DEP_RES %s", hexlify(buffer(dep_res, 1)))
            data =, timeout=1)
            assert data and data[0]==len(data)
        except (nfc.clf.CommunicationError, AssertionError):
            logging.error("communication failure after activation")
            return None

        logging.debug("rcvd DEP_REQ %s", hexlify(buffer(data, 1)))
        mode = "passive" if target.sens_res or target.sensf_res else "active"
        logging.debug("activated in %s communication mode", mode)
        return target

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(relativeCreated)d ms [%(name)s] %(message)s')

        from docopt import docopt
    except ImportError:
        sys.exit("the 'docopt' module is needed to execute this program")

    # remove restructured text formatting before input to docopt
    usage = re.sub(r'(?<=\n)\*\*(\w+:)\*\*.*\n', r'\1', __doc__)